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Reclaim the Magic of the Menstrual Cycle!

Education to support and shift the way we view our cycle.

In a world where we’re taught to look outside of ourselves for answers, listening to the subtle yet powerful voice of your own inner guidance system is an act of rebellion.

Throughout this blog I take you on a journey through each phase (the inner seasons) of the menstrual cycle so you may deepen your awareness and connection with your body through each phase and have the knowledge to support the internal shift that take place.

We cover the hormonal shifts that take place, the gift of each phase and discover food and movement as medicine to support our cycle! Please feel free to message me (Lexi) personally if you have any questions!

Follicular Phase-

Inner Spring (about 7 days) (pre-ovulation) This phase begins right after the last day of your bleed. The uterine lining builds back up again! 

Steady rise of estrogen and follicular stimulating hormone (FSH). The rise in estrogen gives you the energetic power and clarity to begin aligning your thoughts and actions. Estrogen increases cervical mucus creating an environment more suitable for sperm to thrive. 

This is a good time to plan, plant seeds of intention for the month ahead. FSH + estrogen work together harmoniously to increase the fertility within the body. 

This phase symbolizes rebirth, a fresh, exciting new-beginning, The Maiden. The Gift: This is a playful time to express your inner-child while also gracefully enjoying managing tasks, scheduling, organizing, planning ahead, to support the next phases to come. Time to take Action.

Food as Medicine: 


Balances hormones and supports in healthy digestion of fat. Broccoli, broccoli sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, kale, garden cress, bok choy, leafy greens, dandelion leaf and root, coconut oil, hemp seed oil.


Encourages healthy egg maturation, hormone production, and supports in mitigating impacts of stress. Turmeric, chamomile, probiotic filled foods (saurkraut, kimchi, kombucha, fermented foods). 


Supports cell regeneration, liver detoxification, and production of cervical fluid. Broccoli, camu camu, papaya, bell peppers, brussel sprouts, pineapple, oranges, cantaloupe, grapefruit, parsley, dill, thyme. 


Balance the rising heat of the body and nourish the system with vitamins. Fresh-squeezed vegetable and fruit juices, raw vegetables, raw fruits.

Movement as Medicine: 

Follicular: Estrogen begins to rise, boost in energy. 

Training recommendations: Higher intensity lifts, Plyometrics, Sprints, Conditioning, Bike, Cardio, Run, Dance

Focus on increasing blood flow as your body prepares an egg for ovulation!

Affirmations: I will not take this new energy for granted. I am supported. I am budding potential. I trust in the ceremony of becoming.

Ovulatory Phase-

Inner Summer (3-4 Days) This phase represents the peak of **fertility within the body and can be marked by a slight rise in basal body temperature of 0.25- 0.45°C. During the ovulatory phase, one to two mature eggs are released from their follicles and sent down the fallopian tubes and released into the uterus. Hormones peak, estrogen, lutenizing hormone and testosterone are at an all time high, cervical fluid is plentiful and juicy, clear and sticky. The rise in testosterone invites a piercing clarity and enhances the ability to call in our deepest desires. The rise in estrogen makes us feel sexy, unstoppable, radiant, social, confident, attractive, magnetic. 

This is a good time to host, facilitate. 1-2 eggs are released once a month within 24 hours. Sperm only lives in the body for 5-7 days. So the female body can only get pregnant up to 7 days a month.

This phase symbolizes The Mother The Gift: Loving, nurturing energy, embodied, confident, fluid, feminine, radiant, heart opening! More open to giving and receiving love... 

When you receive energy - do you give it away to OTHERS before you take it yourself? To support the energy levels and encourage ease in the premenstrual and menstrual phases, we must slow down and listen deeply to what we need during the first two phases of the cycle (follicular + ovulatory). Even though your old conditioning might tell you differently, focus on filling your own cup during this phase. Trust that when you create space to cultivate an intimate + loving connection with yourself, you tap into an overflowing source of love that will soon pour from your heart.

Food as Medicine


Light grains support digestion to direct vital energy to the womb space. Quinoa, oats, amaranth, corn. 


Direct life force energy through the body. Oranges, cayenne, ginger, spices, garlic, dark chocolate, beets, pepper, china root, goji berries. 


Harness the sensual, creative energy of this phase with these activating foods. Damiana, red rose, cacao, dark chocolate, suma root, maca root, figs, strawberries. 


Supports cell regeneration, liver detoxification, and production of cervical fluid. Raw almonds, eggs, avocado, coconut oil, hemp seed oil, ghee, extra virgin olive oil.

Movement as Medicine

Ovulation: Testosterone peaks, increased strength and energy

Focus on movements that build muscle tone and blood flow as your body is releasing an egg for fertilization. 

Training recommendations: Apply progressive overload, Max strength training, Power training, HIIT, Kickboxing, Bootcamps, Strengthening exercises

Affirmations: I’m fucking unstoppable, I am in Bloom, I Give myself permission to Shine, I honor my needs.

Luteal Phase- Inner Autumn (12-16 days) Estrogen & testosterone drop, progesterone rises. Progesterone supports the womb in preparing for possible conception by thickening the lining of the endometrium. If conception doesn’t occur, progesterone levels will fall, encouraging the lining to shed in the physical release of blood that is menstruation. Progesterone- the relaxing hormone.

One may notice a decrease in energy, time to rest and be gentle with yourself, good time to yoni steam to ease PMS symptoms and do shadow work. All that we have not addressed will come to the surface during this phase. 

This phase symbolizes The Enchantress The Gift- (Use discernment here!) You have access to your subconscious during this phase. The Enchantress does not take any bull-shit. This is a good time to be Honest with others AND to organize. This energy is fantastic for solving problems and getting rid of anything that doesn’t serve us in our life and business. The Enchantress sees all the difficulties and injustices around her but she’s not accepting any of it. It is essential to care for our physical energy to harness the power and creativity of this phase.

 Yoni steaming and singing can help to bring on a late period! 


DO YOU WANT TO SCREAM? Go somewhere safe and release. 


Everything changes when we stop rejecting our inner experience and begin to work with the waves of emotion and sensation that remind us WE ARE ALIVE. Messages of pain are a sign that the body is attempting to communicate a message very clearly. Often the messages or challenges of this phase are simply invitations for us to slow down + reconnect back to the feminine way of ease and flow.

Food as Medicine


Root vegetable are full of nourishing minerals to ground, calm, and nurture the body. Sweet potato, carrots, beets, cabbage, daikon radish, squash, pumpkin. 


Support the liver in cleansing estrogen from the first half of the cycle out of the body. Broccoli, broccoli sprouts, Brussel sprouts, cauliflower, kale, garden cress, bok choy, dark leafy greens, borage seed oil, black currant seed oil, evening primrose oil. 


Load up on minerals like magnesium to release excess fluid. Kale, spinach, bok choy, all leafy greens, banana, tempeh, kiwi, pumpkin seeds, almonds, black beans, avocados, figs, dark chocolate. 


Integrate a full range of b vitamins into your diet to promote cell health. Sunflower seeds, almonds, sweet potato, spirulina, turkey, brown rice, eggs, beans. 


Always choose natural folate over synthetic folic acid to support healthy fallopian tubes and a healthy pregnancy. Green leafy veggies, spinach, bok choy, parsley, romaine, lettuce asparagus, cauliflower, broccoli, beets, garbanzo beans, navy beans, kidney beans, pinto beans, lentil, papaya, strawberries, oranges, kiwi. 


Save energy and direct life force to the uterus. Fennel, mint, and ginger, zucchini, celery, beets, flax, chia, fibrous foods, and small amounts of fermented foods all have a cleansing effect on the body.

Movement as Medicine

During Luteal Phase your body is preparing to support a pregnancy. Progesterone rises, energy begins to fall, PMS symptoms may arise.

Training recommendations: Begin to dial back intensity, Focus on mobility, Core, LISS, Lower impact lifts. Focus on slowing down and building core strength. Pilates, Yoga, Strength Training, Walks

Affirmation: I am not my symptoms. I will listen to my body and adapt. All I feel is Valid. I am worthy to take up space. I bow to my body, for it is my teacher. 

Menstrual Phase-

Inner Winter (2-6 days long) Uterine (endometrium) lining sheds! Progesterone and estrogen continue to fall. It is essential to nourish, nurture and listen to the body and create space to rest and receive deep insights. 

This is a good time for solitude. The blood of menstruation is highly medicinal and sacred. It’s antimicrobial and antibacterial properties cleanse the womb space of unneeded foreign bacteria, microbes and its energy helps us to protect and reclaim the sovereignty of the womb. 

This phase symbolizes the wise old woman, the Crone. As we develop the ability to be alone with ourselves during this season, we cultivate the self compassion needed to hold ourselves through the darkness. The physical loss of the endometrium lining represents a physical release and metaphorical death of the emotions, projections, and identities we’ve attempted to hold onto over the past month. The Gift: New ideas and downloads. This phase supports us in shedding, cleansing, purifying, getting ready for re-birth, a fresh new beginning, entering into Spring. Tap into the ancient wisdom stored within your womb during this time. Connect to your womb, listen.

"DESPITE WHAT WE’RE TAUGHT BLEEDING IS NOT A SIGN OF WEAKNESS. INSTEAD, THE ONE WHO BLEEDS WALKS THE PATH OF THE WARRIOR, CHOSEN TO BLEED FOR NOT ONLY THEMSELVES BUT TO USE THEIR BODY TO MOURN AND HEAL THE WOUNDS OF THE WORLD AS WELL. THROUGH ATTUNING OURSELVES TO OUR INNER NEEDS AND DESIRES, WE LEARN HOW TO WORK WITH THE SENSITIVITY OF MENSTRUATION, INSTEAD OF AGAINST IT. - This phase opens up a portal in our awareness - many women may notice vivid dreams or visions during this phase, as well as a heightened sense of inner knowing. To dig our hands into the rich wisdom of this phase, we must first have the courage to listen to its messages." -Womben Wellness

Food as Medicine


Magic minerals will reduce bloating and release excess water with magnesium rich medicines. Seafood, seaweeds like dulse, kelp, wakame, kombu, sea salt, Himalayan salt, miso or chickpea miso, coconut aminos. 


Replenish what is lost in menstruation to encourage distribution of fresh oxygen throughout the body. Beets, mushrooms, oysters, clams, mussels beans: especially kidney, black beans and adzuki beans to restore kidney and adrenal health, spinach, sesame seeds, chickpeas, buckwheat, lentils, cacao, moringa, carao, burdock, longang berries. 


Listen to the messages your cramps are communicating with you and then use these healing foods to ease them. Cramp bark tea or tincture, chamomile tea, ginger, red hibiscus tea, mugwort tea or tincture, motherwort tea or tincture. 

TIP: Reduce caffeine during this phase as it can suck energy from the adrenal glands and further increase exhaustion.

Movement as Medicine:

The Focus: Rest and Recovery Rest/ Nap Walk Yoga (child-pose for cramping) Stretching

Menstruation: Low levels of progesterone and estrogen may cause lethargy and lack of motivation. 

Training recommendations: Low impact lifting, Modify intensity, Light aerobic movements, Mobility training and stretching 

Affirmations: I do not need to push through the pain. It’s okay to just rest. I RELEASE CONTROL AND SURRENDER TO THE FLOW. I GIVE MYSELF PERMISSION TO TAKE SPACE I NEED TO HEAL.

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