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Meet the Creatress behind it all

Luella Mae

It is my belief that true medicine is a remedy for the root of the disease, rather than a mask for the symptom.


True medicine will always remind you of your intrinsic power and sovereignty.


True medicine is a guide back home to inner harmony and will not cause dependency- it will only support you on your journey toward liberation. 


I successfully healed severe addictions to alcohol and pharmaceuticals with the medicine of the Earth and guidance from God.


I have been humbled over and over again by the wisdom of the plant Queendom. I continue to learn to watch, witness and listen to the plants. The plants take their time, they are patient and never rush, they adapt to their environment, they are wise. 


The plants have been my teachers, offering support and guidance through a profound metamorphosis.


I have gratefully renewed my life from the inside, out through consistent dedication and devotion to holistic medicine; utilizing a balance of plants, Yoga, meditation, breath work, nutrition, rest and weight lifting. 


The body, mind and spirit are interconnected and to truly heal- all aspects of ones self must be tended to and return to harmony as One. 


It is with deep reverence for the Earth that I weave every creation and offering. At The Herbal Shala, each medicine is cultivated by hand with care, infused with gratitude and love, and sourced organically and ethically.


I offer a wide range of one on one offerings that combine the wisdom of ancient practices and philosophies in conjunction with channeled intuition all tailored to each individual.


It is my intention to support all through alternative medicine and herbal education, as well as contributing to the awakening of the planet, by aligning my life in humble service to God.


The greatest thing one can do for humanity, is to BE Love. By embodying Love, we may heal the entire planet.


It begins with You. 


You, are your own medicine.

You hold everything you need, within you already. 









This business is rooted in God. It is the divine who guided me in the beginning, it’s God who constantly reminds me and nudges me back on track, and God who continues to lead me. 


When we surrender our will to the will of God, life unfolds effortlessly.  


It’s the surrendering part that feels difficult… so much resistance! We want so badly for things to go our way, we want so badly to be right all the time- we must let go and trust God. I had to let go (and continually have to let go) of who I thought I was, and everything that came along with that- to align my life with Truth, with God aka LOVE. 


God is Love. 


The greatest medicine is Love. 


When we do everything from that place, every moment becomes a precious gift from God.



Education, certifications and offerings: 


I have studied Ayurveda, Traditional Chinese Medicine, Thai Body Work, Plant Medicine, Herbalism, Breath-work, Yoga and Women's wellness around the world. As a certified Ayurvedic Holistic Health Coach, Yoga instructor, herbalist, Thai Body Worker, and Holistic Pre-natal and postpartum doula, I have been blessed to study and live in various locations including Costa Rica, Portugal, Thailand, and New York City.


With extensive training and experience, I have the pleasure of curating and leading retreats multiple times a year in diverse international destinations. These immersive, transformational experiences take place in Thailand, Costa Rica, Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain, and Ireland, each of which has indelibly influenced the path of my personal and professional growth.


Now,  I have some roots anchored in Long Island, NY and have opened my first baby apothecary in Port Jefferson. I also offer weekly dance and Yoga classes, monthly community gatherings, educational trainings and one-on-one services. Although, I am still traveling around the world- this baby apothecary will be an anchor for me to consistently return and tend to with the utmost loving devotion.


I specialize in: plant medicine for mental health, embodiment rituals and dance for empowerment, breath-work, and women's health education with a focus on the fertility awareness method and alternative menstrual care.


P.S. The name Luella Mae was given to me by my Grammie. So it is in honor of her, that I use it here on this page. 



"Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world."

Sri Ramana Maharshi

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